Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thoughts about the blog....

“ A great work of art, if it accomplishes anything,
serves to remind us, or let us say to set us dreaming of all that is fluid
and intangible, which is to say, the universe.
It cannot be understood; it can only be accepted or rejected.
If accepted we are revitalized, if rejected, we are diminished.” - Henry Miller

There has been feedback about the blog. Thank you.
Some say focus more, some say don’t put ads on it, one more thing to manage, some say you have to think about what you are selling. I say listen:

The artist is affected by a note of music, a drop of rain, a haiku and Woody Allen, the way color becomes a flavor in my mouth, or how I hear a symphony when I observe Rousseau’s Monkeys in the Jungle.

I am in love with art, literature, film, food, the masters of fashion, music, theatre, travel. It's life. How can I separate myself and focus on one thing only? Why should I limit myself? Why not explore and examine the richness? This is not a dress rehearsal. This is real life, and I’m never going to get back Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 so I make it a kaleidoscopic cacophony of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, and that crazy crooked Christmas tree.

 It all boils down to one’s bed at night, to sleep, to dream, 

“ay, there’s the rub; for in that sleep of death what dreams may come
when we have shuffled off this mortal coil….”

All passion springs from the heart and comes from love. Whether it is Walt Whitman or Tennessee Williams, Herman Melville or William Faulkner, Saul Bellow or Ernest Hemingway or Jane Austen, it all comes from love, Proust or Wilde, Anais Nin’s Journals, Murakami or Dickens, Shakespeare or Warhol, it all comes from love.

It all comes from love and love is not final.

Let me set you dreaming. I trust you will be revitalized.

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