Saturday, January 8, 2011

Poetry: Richard Jones & Jack Grapes

Richard Jones, Professor of English at DePaul University and editor of the literary journal POETRY EAST is in town this weekend presenting a poetry workshop with Jack Grapes, award-winning poet, actor, playwright (Circle of Will), teacher and editor and publisher of ON THE BUS literary journal. I will be there, grateful to be present with these two literary giants. 

The Bell 
Richard Jones 

In the tower the bell 
is alone, like a man 
in his room, 
thinking and thinking. 

The bell is made of iron. 
It takes the weight 
of a man 
to make the bell move. 

Far below, the bell feels 
hands on a rope. 
It considers this. 
It turns its head. 

Miles away, 
a man in his room 
hears the clear sound, 
and lifts his head to listen. 

Nothing Left To Chance
Jack Grapes 

Begin with fish, 
smack their heads off with a mallet 
or tear through the entire phone book 
sheet by sheet 
and digest the lives listed 
five hundred to a page. 
You don't remember one old phone number 
but all the addresses 
for each home you've lived in 
bob like little boats 
on the ocean of your daydreams. 
You can't understand why poets 
write lines like that, 
or what makes a car go, 
and when you see those steel girders 
going up on the vacant lot 
the exposed elevator shafts, 
glass and concrete not far behind 
you wonder how so much can be built
one piece at a time 
and nothing left to chance. 

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