Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Travel - Clyde Park, Montana

Like driving into a Terrence Malick film. Extraordinary beauty.

Clyde Park, Montana, north on highway 89 with absolutely NO road signage contributes to a dream-like-far-away-non-logical American experience.

The services are off the highway. The drive up Rock Creek toward the Crazies is sublime.

Richard Ford captures the feel of the landscape and the life of Montana in ROCK SPRINGS.
Open. Wild. True. Vast. A crescendo of magical realism.

Downtown Clyde Park with a pizza place, hardware store and Glenn's shopping center. Glenn's is open, organized, with a great meat counter and lots of heads on the wall. Been there since 1948. Sidney Wiley as the third owner is making things happen. Soon a bakery two doors down.

It's Gershwin, Willie Nelson, Louis Armstrong and The Rolling Stones wrapped up in one sensual experience. 

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