Saturday, April 6, 2019

National Poetry Month - Kathleen Matson

Writer, photographer, blogger and poet Kathleen Matson Blurock lives in Los Angeles, California, Livingston, Montana and Pittenweem, Scotland.

Lucky to have my poem chosen for the window of SAX & FRYER, oldest store in Livingston, Montana. Opened 1883, one year after the town was founded.

A Place to Hide

That summer I found places to hide 
around the neighborhood.
The metal tubes stacked
on Grimes’ lot behind our house
was one of my favorites. 
I sat in one on rainy days, 
smelled the air, 
and would not be bothered. 

I hid under the stairway 
and read comic books 
in the neighbor’s hall closet.
I sneaked in the back door, 
turned on the light,
and sat under jackets and coats 
in privacy.

From the backseat floor 
of Mom’s ‘41 Chevy, 
I rolled down the window, 
and watched ants crawl 
over the tops of pink and white peonies 
that lined the driveway. 

I found places to hide 
so I could be alone.
I found places to hide 
from my father’s anger.
I found places to hide 
where I listened 
to what the rain had to tell me,
or the ants,  
or the peonies, 

still my favorite flower. 

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