I love the way John Lithgow began his recent one man show at the Taper. He looked at the audience and said what are you all here for? All you eager faces out there? What are you doing here? You want to be told a story. And he went on to tell how his favorite P. G. Wodehouse story revived his ancient father when he went back to help the old man who had become so ill. He began to read him his favorite story and then he acted out all the characters for us, there on the stage.
Touching. Immediate. Bigger than life, yet simple and real.
Such good theatre happening in LA now. Last weekend it was Jane Fonda in 33 Variations. Wow, the precision of the acting, the inventive set and the words that flowed through me and made me think, which is what the theatre is for..thinking, feeling, all the colors of life